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Open letter to the Developers re. Concorde X


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I made a post in the Concorde X forum relating to the saved flights not working at the beginning of this month.

During this time I have had no response from the developers to assist me. And before you ask, yes i have submitted a ticket, but I find the response of ' We tried to reproduce your problem and could not... we are very sorry. ' to be wholly unsatisfactory. 

Whilst I understand that these issues take time to resolve, the lack of response from a developer has lead me to believe that nothing is being done about this, despite the fact that multiple users are reporting the same issue. 

 I would like to think of this as a hiccup in your customer service as I have never heard any complaints about you before.

Eagerly Awaiting your response



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Lefteris Kalamaras

We will look into this matter as soon as humanly possible. I understand your frustration, we're working feverishly on the A320-X currently, but we'll try to squeeze that in as well.

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I understand that you are busy with other matters as well. What has frustrated me is the complete lack of response until now.

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

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Lefteris Kalamaras

My apologies for that one as well - I am taking responsibility for it, as I am returning to the office tomorrow full time - have been on a two week trip (as mentioned before I left). Our developers did repeat this a few times in the A320-X forum, but I guess the Concorde-X forum was overlooked.

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Thank you. I did not realise you were away. I don't frequent the A320 forum.

What would be nice is to have a temporary solution until a fix is found. Multiple people have mentioned reinstalling a previous version of the concorde, but I can find no way of downloading one. Is there a way to download previous versions that I haven't found?

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

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Lefteris Kalamaras

If you can show a bit more patience, we'll be working on this further towards this weekend. I'll give it some personal attention. (It's harder to get older versions online at this time, plus it will create additional workload for the support staff).

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