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Please help me with a fix.


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Tom van der Elst

I would say try repairing in Control Center.

It seems another plane messed with your effects files.

Are you perhaps flying some old smoking 4 engine rustbucket somewhere ?





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I did indeed install an older plane that screwed up my textures, that is exactly what I am trying to fix. The repair option inside the FsLabs manager didnt work, nor did uninstall and reinstall.

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It was an fsx IRIS Mig-29 plane custom configured for tacpack. I ended up doing a mass uninstall and reinstall/ rebuild of my p3dv4. I'll be upgrading to P3Dv5 before long too.

Thank you for your help.

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Tom van der Elst
20 minutes ago, JeremyKrantz said:


Thank you for your help.

A pain in the behind if they mess with your effect files.

Glad you could resolve it albeit without my help.

And you are welcome Jeremy.





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