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Do i need to re-buy the A320?

Tony Koorevaar

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Tony Koorevaar


I have owned your amazing A320 for a long time now! However, I switched to X-plane for a longer period of time. But now I want to fly with P3D5 again. However, with my serial I do not get the most recent A230 version, is this correct?



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If you have bought the fslabs a320 for fsx back in the day and didn’t use the upgrade paths then you would have to rebuy. The same applies if you have the p3d v3 version of the bus and didn’t upgrade to the v4 version.

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1 minute ago, Tony Koorevaar said:

I bought the P3D V3 version and did upgrade to the V4.. 

then you missed the upgrade path to fast spring as you are likely to have an eSellerate order reference and serial number.

However the link is still available but I don’t know the exact link so one of the support staff has to answer that.

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