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Saying hello again to the community after 16 years of hiatus

Rana Hossain

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Rana Hossain

Hello everyone; I hope everyone is keeping safe and flying safe during this troubled time.

Quick introduction, though I am hoping that anyone from that old crowd hanging around would remember me fondly.

I was quick active back in 2004, and had several utilities from flight simulator; the most popular one was called “FlightSim Manager”: in fact it had won gold award from FlightSim.com; basically it was an Install Wizard, VA Fleet manager, Optimizer, AI Traffic editor, LAN viewer and a lot more.

I also had another software called “FSM Moving Map” that would allow you to have google map running within Simulator, or as an external software or even over the network to show your aircraft’s current position.

Written in Visual Studio 6 for WindowsXP, and with Microsoft dropping support for both, neither can function without a lot of hacking and messing around.

I would like to bring it back to life, with support for modern OS (windows, OSX, and some variants of Linux), and for multiple Flight Simulator like Microsoft FlightSimulator, X-Plane, DCS and so on.

If you want to know more about FSM, I have a short introductory video (2m30s) on YouTube. There are also some videos with more details and planned roadmap.


Thank you; if you want to know more, please ask away.

Best regards


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