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No notification for followed content - Why?

Stu Antonio

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Stu Antonio

I'd like to receive a notification (bell) when someone posts something in a topic I am following.
But admins disabled this. Is there a reason? 


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Stu Antonio
8 minutes ago, Norman Blackburn said:

Follow the topic by using this option.  


Yeah, that of course works, but I'm talking about the (bell)notifications. 

For instance, this topic we're in right now, I follow. So I of course got an email that you responded (as for every topic I follow), but I'd like to also have a notification when I go to the forum site (just like I get when someone react to something I post). Isn't that possible?


It's just sometimes I get a bunch of emails for people commenting on something I'm interested in. But I can't check those by just going to the website, I have to check every email and then either click on the link in there or navigate to the topic myself (when I can remember where it was). Or to put in this way: Without email I never know if somebody commented on a topic I follow... 

Not a super-big issue, I was just curious why admins don't allow that forum option.


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Norman Blackburn

Ive looked and can’t find the option that changes this.  If you happen to know please let us know.

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Stu Antonio
16 minutes ago, Norman Blackburn said:

Ive looked and can’t find the option that changes this.  If you happen to know please let us know.

Isn't this the option on my first post above? "Notification List" column, "Someone commented on something I follow" row, but the option is "disabled from being toggled" by the administrator..... ? 

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Stu Antonio
2 minutes ago, John Barnes said:

Will take a look in a bit Stu. Once I get time to sit down and look at it.

Thanks. No rush, I'm not trying to make you guys trouble. 

Cheers, and have a nice weekend!

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