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Aircraft Suggestion.

Marlon Carter

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Marlon Carter

It was a most welcome post when FSL reached out to the community for some feedback on a new Concorde product. The focus these days seems to be on modern aircraft and it is refreshing to see that the aircraft of the past are not forgotten. On this note, it would be interesting to hear some feedback on the possibility of another important workhorse of the past which is the Boeing 727. With different versions and configurations it would be nice to see a 727 that matches the in-depth systems of the Concorde and A320X. Any thoughts? 

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Mark M Balagtas

I think FSlabs has easier access to Airbus for info over Boeing given that all their products are airbus licensed and registered TM. After the concorde, 319/21, NEO, Sharklets versions are out I hope to see 330/40 and hopefully a 350, 380 and the iconic A300...just a wishful thought.

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Marco Calcagno

I'm kinda "attached" to the Boeing 727 as it was the type used in my Aicraft Dispatcher training and of course it's a very interesting classic airplane; I don't know the numbers involved, but as you stated people is more innterested on modern birds and a company like FSLABS needs to take in account how it's worth to invest time in an older Aircraft; also taking in account what's missing in the market (right now no long range Airbus are available for example.....) it's likely a priority; I wouldn't be either surprised to see also Bomardier CS series or Sukoi Superjet in the near future.....but my hope it's also the ATR series (well, I'm italian...); the available one was a masterpiece for FS9...now we need something updated.

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Mark M Balagtas

I think PMDG was thinking of either making the Cseries or the ERJ... I would love to see both made by them tbh... Just like you, I kinda hoping and waiting for an ATR since it is a direct competition to the Q400. I wish majestic will go beyond the Q400 and make the ATR too.

But for now I just wanna see the concorde and 321 out.

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An in depth 727 would be a very niche product. The lack of autoland, autothrottle (in most cases), and FMC or INS navigation would put a large chunk of the market off paying FSL prices. 727 systems are generally fairly basic so I’m not sure many users would notice a more in depth simulation compared to existing simulations.

Anyway there are still plenty of other Airbus aircraft that need the FSL treatment. If people want to go retro then an A310 would be interesting.

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