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S_r_d_a_n  K_o_s_t_i_c

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S_r_d_a_n  K_o_s_t_i_c

Maybe someone please can explain this "mess" to me. I am trying to sync times properly. I am flying for VPA, which requires me to fly times in FS same as in real world.

So I begin with Flightstats:


The flight is from LGAV to LSZH.

LGAV is UTC +2hrs. So, Flightstats is correct, saying I should set 04:30Z as departure time in FS, or 06:30 local time.

So I go into P3D, set local time to 06:30, start the flight, and the A320 is showing 05:30Z in the clock.

I do know that this is P3D problem, and not A320, however I just don't know how to fix this!

I basically want UTC +2hrs for LGAV in P3D. Seems a problem with timezones...

Would using FS Real Time help? Does this program fix the issue? Or can I somehow fix it without actually buying software... (when I come to think, I think I bought FSRT a long time ago, have to find the licence though...).


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Karl Brooker

If your VA is using recording software, it probably bases it on GMT/Zulu time. Just get the correct Zulu time and ignore what it says the local one is. 

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Jonathan Fong

Using FS Real Time itself would help a lot, not only because you can sync up your sim time to actual Zulu time more accurately, but because FS Real Time includes a set of modified AFCADs which fix some time zone errors in FSX's default areas. You don't need to buy it - you can just download and install it then sync it up once at the beginning of the flight, which is usually enough. If you have paid FSUIPC as well, you can use its time sync function to make sure that your time stays synced to your computer clock throughout your flight.

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S_r_d_a_n  K_o_s_t_i_c

VPA doesn't log the time, it is up to me to set the right time. At the end of the flight I actually just enter the times. All I really want is to have timezones in P3D correct, so if I select local time, it should have correct UTC. That ain't too much to ask, right? Even LM should be able to fix that with relative ease.

I'll try installing FSRT and see if that changes anything.

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