About This File
This tool will interface with one of the two MCDUs, obtain data from it and send push notifications to your device(s) when criteria is met.
Version 0.1 only obtains the distance to Top of Descend and sends a message when you are within a threshold distance. As an example, you can use this to be alerted to get back to your computer after a long cruise where you may have stepped away for a while.
This is a very early release and will need more work to account for various different versions of FSLabs and people's computers. Please report any issues.
Requirements and Assumptions
* Pushover already setup with FSLabs (ie for ATSU notification purposes)
* FSLabs A320. It should be relatively easy to get A319 working but I will need some data and tests done with people who have the 319 as I don't have a copy of it as of yet.
* P3D v4.x. This is not a strict requirement. The tool tries to automatically determine where your FSLabs PUSHOVER.ini might be located using Windows registry keys. I have only tested against an FSLabs installed in P3D v4. If it can't find the configuration file you can specify it manually. See options below.
You can pass the following options to the program to override defaults.
--td X
- X specifies the remaining distance to the T/D point after which a notification is sent. The default is 100nm if not specified
--pushover Path
- Path specifies the location of your FSLabs PUSHOVER.ini file if it can't be automatically located (due to not using the same versions of software this was tested against).
- This option will show more debugging and logging output. I may request you turn this on during debugging. This will expose your user key and token in the output so careful to not post the content as-is to this public forum to keep that information private.
You specify these options in the run.bat file that was extracted as part of the package as follows. Modify the file as follows:
.\fslabs-mcdu-pushover.exe --td 200 --pushover D:\Data\pushover.ini
This would set the T/D threshold to 200nm and specify the pushover.ini file to exist in D:\Data instead.
Run Program
Double-click run.bat to run the program.
If will poll every 30 seconds to see if you're within the threshold distance.
Once a message is sent, it will stop running, prompting you to press a button to close the window.
What's New in Version 0.2 See changelog
Fixes in version 0.2
- Fixed issue that resulted in an error message AttributeError: module 'http.client' has no attribute 'HTTPSConnection'
- More graceful handling of error conditions such as missing registry keys
Run the executable and extract to a location of your choosing. If you have modified the run.bat file from version 0.1 simply copy it over and overwrite the one that comes with this install.
You can run the program at any time after FSLabs is loaded. It is most useful to load it after you have reached Top of Climb and are in cruise phase. If you start it sooner you will just see a list of messages indicating that it can't find the T/D data and suspects you aren't at cruise phase yet. A future version may handle this better to actually detect the current flight phase and be silent until you've reached T/C.