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Fslabs Forums Rules

Bob L

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There have been some recent infractions when it comes to following FSLabs Forum Rules and wanted to post them here as a reminder.

Forum Rules
Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.
1. Use your REAL NAME as the Display Name. Also - No duplicate registrations. You are just one person - you are not allowed to have more than one username. It's a violation of this agreement and downright unethical - don't do it. Contact the administrators if you feel there was an error with your registration username.
2. No spamming or Affiliate Links. Spamming is characterized by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, be it off topic or on topic. Examples include: empty posts, posts with few words that have no relation to the current thread or discussion and those posts that state they are spam, either to annoy or increase a member's post count. This determination is made by the forum Moderator or Administrator and is not up for discussion. Affiliate links give posters an unfair advantage over others. As well, affiliate links may lead to false representation simply in the effort to gain a lead or referral. Therefore, Affiliate links will be modified or deleted.
3. Keep things Legal No Warez or Illegal Software. This includes linking to illegal downloads of not only software, but copyrighted images that must be purchased, movies, and other items being illegally distributed.
4. No Profanity or Adult links. While profanity, when used properly, is an effective way of conveying emotion and/or thoughts, when abused it can be detrimental and offensive. Please keep in mind that we do have young people browsing these forums. Therefore, no profanity should be used. If used, it will be edited.
5. Be Respectful! No Flames of any kind against a member, or group of members. Flames are considered a deliberate personal attack on another member or group of members. Having a difference of opinion is fine, but if it gets out of hand and turns into a fight to get the biggest jab at the other person, then its gone too far.
Treat new members with respect, and vice versa. You were new at one point, as was everyone else. Please treat newcomers to the forums with respect, and new members should treat everyone else the same way.
6. Stay on Topic. Posts in a particular forum need try and stay on topic. If you want to talk about something that is drastically removed from the topic of a forum, please take it to another, correct topic.
7. Image use. We have disabled the use of images in signatures.
No Avatar, Custom Title, and/or Username Changing Abuse. These are a luxury and abuse of them will result in them being lost.
8. Signature Use. Please keep your signature to 3 lines or less. It helps keep our threads cleaner looking.
9. Enjoy yourself! You can have a great time posting and we look forward to your feedback.
The Flight Sim Labs Forums Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to change or alter these rules at any time. Anything not expressly covered in these rules is subject to an Administrator/Moderator's approval. An Administrator and/or Moderator’s word is final.
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
The owners of Flight Sim Labs, Ltd. reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
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  • 2 years later...
Kyprianos Biris

@Bob Lyddy can you please amend the above to point to or comply with this post ?

When I try to change my display name as instructed in the above linked post here


1) Change of your Display Name to your Real Name. To do this, click on your display name on the top right area of the forum, select "Account Settings" and click on "Display Name" on the left. Then, enter your real name as your new display name, as in the picture below:

... I do not have this option as seen below:Image1.thumb.jpg.da5a7e1958868062a447374fff4141ca.jpg


I have no way to change it. Can this be changed somehow ?


  • Thanks 1
John Barnes

Try now. Should now work.

  • 4 months later...
Dave Musselwhite

Hi John,

Whatever you did for Kyprianos can you please do for me? Whenever I try to change my display name I get the following message.

“You are not allowed to change your display name right now as you have changed it recently. You are only permitted to make 2 changes in a 30-day period.”

I haven’t tried to change my display name since I registered years ago. It must be an iPad/MacBook issue.


Dave Musselwhite 

Dave Musselwhite

Thanks John, much appreciated.


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