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[MSFS] Undock panels

Jan Holmberg

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Jan Holmberg

Is it possible to undock panels in the same way as in the A320? for example, overhead and MCDU.
Kind regards
Jan Holmberg

Matt Crick

Hello Jan,

Which product are we talking about here? Neither the title, your post's contents, nor the forum in which you've chosen to post, yield's any clues

Jan Holmberg

I apologize.
I flew a few years ago Flightsimlab A320 early version for P3D. That version of. FSL A320 I could undock panels and move them to other monitors. My question today is if there is the same possibility to undock in the new FSL A320ceo?
Hope I have been clear.

Matt Crick

2D panels (as we know them from P3D) are gone in MSFS, however certain gauges (PFD/ND/Upper-lower ECAM, MDCU) can be popped out into their own window.

Being able to bring up the MDCU/EFB/Refuelling panel in a web-browser window also remain a feature of our products in MSFS.

Hope that answers your question

Jan Holmberg

Thanks for answering my question.
I really appreciate that.
To be able to move the gaze in the cockpit
it might be VR glasses.

Peter Fabian
On 1/15/2025 at 11:50 PM, Matt Crick said:

2D panels (as we know them from P3D) are gone in MSFS, however certain gauges (PFD/ND/Upper-lower ECAM, MDCU) can be popped out into their own window.



Matt Crick
59 minutes ago, Peter Fabian said:


Hold the Right Alt button on the keyboard and Left Click on aforementioned displays

Vincent Twisker

Undocking all the displays is very easy with the app MSFS popup manager.

I am however still wondering if it will ever be possible to hide the Virtual cockpit similar to the option in P3D for the triple monitor outside view.

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