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[Resolved] Downloaded v2.0.0.1 for P3D V4.5 Hotfix 3 No Gear (external view) and buttons don't work

Jeffrey Bailey

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Jeffrey Bailey


I just discovered Spotlights for the A320x and downloaded v2.0.0.1. for the very first time. I ran the installer and the program itself as admin, as I do everything else on my PC. I found the existing FSLSpotlights.ini file (dated 1/24/22) in the aircraft folder on my drive. Upon starting P3D and loading the aircraft I found that the landing gears are missing from the external view. Further all of the buttons inside the virtual cockpit do not function. I uninstalled Spotlights and everything is back to normal. 

What do you recommend that I do to fix this? I searched the forum here and could not find a solution.



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Tom van der Elst

Hello Jeffrey,

Are you running Control Center ?


Also, FSLabs_SpotLights_v2.0.0.15.zip is the last for P3D4 but you should now install such things via control center.

It's available here :


And it makes updating very easy.

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Jeffrey Bailey

Yes, and thank you for pointing that out. I just discovered the Control Center only last week when I decided to get the A319x added to my collection. I found Spotlight as you suggested and I installed it through that app and still had the same issue. I spent a few hours trying to figure out what was going on only to decide to uninstall everything I have (A319x, A320x, A321x). A clean install of A3xx series and Spotlight seems to have done the trick. I tested the default FSLabs livery and no issues so far. Landing gear shows up in the exterior view and buttons work. I suspect that the older livery I was using prior to the Control Center and Spotlight was not playing nice and thus affected all the other "buses" in the same series. This evening I downloaded another livery through the forum, installed, loaded up the sim and seems OK for now. 


If there are issues I will let you know. Thank you very much for your help! :)


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Tom van der Elst

Do not hesitate to contact us Jeffrey, in the mean time, have fun :)

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