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StreamDeck Plugin: Pilot's Deck

Daniel Saffran

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Daniel Saffran

Well, no. Umberto very clearly explained that no Addon or Developer has Control over that Window (in Terms of Position and Size). So whether my Plugin nor the FSL Integration can solve anything there.

But: the included GSX Scripts and the configured GSX Actions in the Profiles could be also used as Workaround in most Situations. They are designed to eliminate most of the GSX Menu/FSL MCDU Interactions for the Ground Services. But there are some Situations (e.g. selecting the Operator, selecting a Gate on Arrival) where you still need to see that Window to select something. The Number-Buttons could select "hidden" Entries though, since they are using specific Control-Codes for that SimConnect Menu.

Doing a quick Google-Search for "simconnect window position", does that help?

Alhard Horstmann

Hallo Daniel, das war der Durchbruch. Danke. Bericht kommt später.

Report of success is coming.


  • Like 1
Alhard Horstmann

Hi Daniel, I try to install your new Version 0.7.8:  I get this advice to install MobiFlight, and I got the advice to install new version of FSUIPC7 for MSFS.

I am not interested in both for now. So what can I do to install this new version ??



Version 0.7.8:image.png.6b9a36cf150368babc99b0565159e1df.png

Daniel Saffran

It is not really an Advice - these are the Requirements for the Plugin for MSFS. So either deinstall MSFS, deinstall the Plugin or stay with the old Version.

  • 6 months later...
Daniel Saffran


Versions 0.7.11:

  • Installer: added Argument to disable MSFS Checks
  • Installer: "Pump" Check improved ( #33 )
  • Installer: Updated Dependencies to the latest available Versions
  • Fix for Calculator L-Var Template not working with L-Vars ending on L
  • Improved Calculator L-Var Template and Value Manipulator: An additional Reset Value can be configured. When the Variable is equal to the defined Limit it will be set to the Value of Reset
  • Updated to StreamDeck SDK 6.1 (now the new Minimum)
  • Updated Libraries
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! Does it work with Stream Deck Mobile 2.0?

Daniel Saffran

Never tested that and nether got any Reports - you have to try

Daniel Saffran

You still have to actually read the Readme :rolleyes:


I have read and followed all the steps related to installation actually, also I've exported Library from Library configurator to C:\FSUIPC6\PLDFSL
Maybe it simply does not work with Steam deck mobile?
Anyway, thank you!

Daniel Saffran

All Commands (except vJoy) are processed through FSUIPC. I don't see any Reason why Actions based on the Lua-Library should not work, when StreamDeck Mobile is basically working.

Especially only the Lua-Based Actions not working is likely due to the Scripts either not installed correctly or not simply not running (just placing them in the FSUIPC Folder won't do anything).

Daniel Saffran

Alone the Amount of Switches makes me shiver :o
(For the Record, for the A320X Scripts I had to think about how to address >700 Functions for the various Switches. In an highly automated Aircraft.)
So that is a 'No' ;)

But: The basic StreamDeck Plugin (PilotsDeck) is not tied to an specific Aircraft (not even a specific Sim). So in the Hope that FSL provided Rotor-Brake-Codes and more usable L-Vars, you can build a StreamDeck/PilotsDeck Profile for that beautiful Bird!

Daniel Jaffe

There are indeed an insane amount of switches!

15 hours ago, Daniel Saffran said:

Especially only the Lua-Based Actions not working is likely due to the Scripts either not installed correctly or not simply not running (just placing them in the FSUIPC Folder won't do anything).

I don't know what I did, but seems to work now. Only it shows these dots (is there a way to get rid of them?):


Daniel Saffran

I assume the Overhead looks similiar?

I did not explain that properly in the Readme of the Package (but the Plugin Readme would explain it): you need to place the Images under


It's all good now! Thank you!!!

  • 3 months later...
Holger Tillmann

Hi folks,

Thanks to Daniel for creating this great software. Attached you can find alternative key icons for the MODE SEL and MASTER switches.

Have fun flying!




Pedestal switches.zip

  • Thanks 1
Julian Beister

Hello Daniel,

I just downloaded your software and want to start off by saying thank you for this incredible work.

I am afraid I must have missed or misunderstood some steps. Most of the buttons seam not to work for me. While I can switch off/on the taxi lights or landing lights, I cannot switch on/off the beacon lights. If I change the state of these buttons or switches, it shows on the Stream Deck though. Same for 90% of the other switched and buttons. On the other hand, I can change the values at the MCDU or FCU.


Do you have any idea what I have done wrong?

I have installed the latest Stream Deck software, where I have selected the P3D-FSLabs-XL Profile, FSUIPC 6 is registered. My FSUIPC ini looks as follows:


1=Lua Pilotsdeck_FSL





Thank you and kind regards from EDDB.

Daniel Saffran

Yes, that Part does not make any Sense, because it says "There is a Profile called 001 and the Plane/Livery 001 is associated to it"


Seems to me that was manually added? Normally you create FSUIPC Profiles and associated Aircrafts/Liveries to it in the GUI.

You don't need to use FSUIPC Profiles, if you only fly the FSL. In that Case get rid of the Profile.001 Section and use [Auto] instead of [Auto.001]. (=Scripts are started on every Plane)
Else create a Profile in the GUI (while loaded into the Plane) and change the [Auto.001] Section to the Name you've chosen in the GUI and get rid of the Profile.001 Section. A new valid Profile.XXX Section will be created by FSUIPC. The XXX is the name you've chosen and the same Thing that needs to be added to the Auto Section.
Note: Stop/Close FSUIPC before you change the ini File.


Julian Beister

I have changed the ini to this now. Via the Task Manager I could see that the was running.



1=Lua Pilotsdeck_FSL





Unfortunately, the problem remains. I have made an interesting observation, though. When I go via "Gate" (I use the XL-Profile) and I try to turn on the nose light, nothing happens. When I go via "Taxi" I can turn on the nose light.

Daniel Saffran

Can you verify that the Scripts are actually started by FSUIPC? Can't see an Issue in that Snippet. (You have verified the each Config Section only exists once?)

E.g. these or similar Messages should appear in the FSUIPC6.log:


Bruno Flageol

Hello Daniel! 

Thank you very much for your hard work, amazing tool. 

I've followed the README to the letter and got the Stream Deck Plus to work like a charm, but I'm now having issues with the simulator itself. Every 3 seconds or so, I get a stutter with a massive drop in FPS. The frequency of the stutter remains constant. 

I want to know if I you might have any idea of what can or could cause this issue. Could it be related to the info being sent from the sim to the Stream Deck?

Daniel Saffran

The only Thing that does something every 3 Seconds is the GSX Script.

Bruno Flageol

Thank you for the quick response! 

is there anything I can do to either run the Lua without the script or tweak something to avoid having the stutter? 


Daniel Saffran

Well I can't tell you what to tweak since I don't understand why that GSX Script would cause a Stutter in the first Place. It is evaluating L-Vars and writes some Strings to FSUIPC Offsets, so ... don't know.

But when you only have the SD+ Deck and use the Profile as it came, there is not much Benefit in running the GSX Script anyways. So you can try if removing that GSX Script from your Auto Section helps?

Julian Beister

Thank you for helping me to work on this Daniel!


Here are my screenshots:


My FSUIPC main folder at the beginning



corresponding FSUIPC Log



After I checked the log, I added the entire content of the PLDFSL folder to the FSUIPC folder5.thumb.png.32772dee3b76a5ca16dab58ac28beefb.png

New logs



Task Manager in both cases


Daniel Saffran

Uhm ... both is wrong ^^

You need to copy the Contents of LUA Folder (from the Archive) as-is to your FSUIPC6 Folder. That means you have "PilotsDeck_FSL.lua" and "GSX_AUTO.lua" in the main (FSUIPC6) Folder and a Subfolder called "PLDFSL" there.

Julian Beister
Posted (edited)

Hi Daniel,

just wanted to give you an update. Thanks to your help, it's all working now! Thank you again for your support and the enormous amount of work which went into this project!

If you don't mind me asking... Is there any further advice you could provide on how to customise the views? I have seen your camera settings as reference but I was not able to find any corresponding entries in the lua files.



I have now understood that the views are referencing to the FSUIPC control commands. So I need to make my changes on there. So nothing to do be done via the PLDFSL files. Still no idea how to do that but at least I know there to look. :)

Edited by Julian Beister
New information
Daniel Saffran
17 hours ago, Julian Beister said:

I have now understood that the views are referencing to the FSUIPC control commands. So I need to make my changes on there. So nothing to do be done via the PLDFSL files. Still no idea how to do that but at least I know there to look.

The FSUIPC Control Codes are documented in the "Controls List ..." Text File in your My Documents\FSUIPC6 Folder.

Some of the View Buttons are basically a Sequence with prev/next Category and prev/next View command

  • 8 months later...
Daniel Saffran
Posted (edited)


Plugin updated to Version 0.8.0

Major Plugin Overhaul - it is basically a new Plugin under the Hood!
Please make an Export/Backup of your Profiles your created with PilotsDeck! The Intention is that existing Profiles just continue to run (with a bit smaller Fonts), but it is better to be safe than sorry ;)



  • Improved UI
  • Check & Installs all Requirements (either automatically or by starting the Setup for you)
  • Check for the vJoy Driver now tests for the Brunner Version/Fork - which should work on both Win 10 & 11
  • Ability to remove the Plugin (including all Customizations!)

New Profile Manager Application

  • Enables easier Profile Installation in a few Clicks - extracts & copies the Files for you, assists with adding the Profiles to the StreamDeck, automatically removes old Profiles on Updates
  • Own Package Format to distribute Profile Files, Images and (Plugin) Scripts as one File
  • Allows much easier Profile Mapping to switch Profiles automatically depending on the Aircraft (or Sim)
  • Profile Switching now only can switch back to specific Profiles when the Simulator exits
  • These Profile Mappings will automatically be transferred to new Profiles on (Profile) Updates


  • Property Inspector is now tabbed to allow easier Navigation
  • Option to add a Guard (Image & Command) to an Action (Guard Images can also use Image Mappings)
  • Added Image Mapping to more Actions
  • Top and Bottom Image for the Korry Action can independently enabled/disabled
  • Most Actions can now be used on an SD+ Encoder (except Simple Button and Gauge Dual)
  • B-Var Support added - per default handled as Command-only but can also be used as a Variable
  • Added dedicated Command Type for K-Var (allows to define a Sequence)
  • HVAR Command supports passing a Value to the H-Var
  • New Calculator ("C:") Variable to read the Result of Calculator/RPN Code (read only)
  • Added Internal (X:) Variable to share Data within the Plugin
  • Added Copy and Paste Buttons to all Actions to share single Actions between Users (or to copy between a Keypad and Encoder)
  • Added a new "Composite Action" that gives you much Freedom to design your own Action (Display and Command wise) - most Feature Requests should be now possible with that Action (and can even replace Actions that would only be possible with Lua Scripts)
  • This new Action is configured through its own dedicated "Action Designer" UI (opened via the Property Inspector)
  • The Script now has its own Engine to run Lua Scripts (does not need external Engines like FSUIPC or FlyWithLua anymore)
  • The Functions of these Lua Scripts can be directly addressed as a Variable or Command - like all other Variable/Command Types
  • Multiple Script Types available to be run on-demand (Variable, Command) or constantly when the Session runs
  • The Scripts can read all Variables and send all Commands the Plugin supports
  • FSUIPC7 is now only the secondary Connector for MSFS - it is possible to use it without FSUIPC7 installed if needed!
  • Remote X-Plane Setups are now supported
  • Images can now be stored in Sub-Directories to better Organisation of different Packs and easier Navigation
  • Image Drawing overhauled - Images are now drawed on top of each other (i.e. on the Dynamic Button)
  • Added an Icon in the System Tray / Notification Area to restart the Plugin or show the Developer UI
  • The Developer UI offers Links to some Reference Source to look up Variables or Commands and to access the Plugin's Folders easier
  • The Developer UI has also a Monitor View to look up the current Aircraft-String/-Path or the Plugin's State, Ressources & Statistics
  • Changed vJoy Driver Library to the Brunner Fork
  • Plugin Configuration is now persistent between Updates and allows much more Tweaking
  • Removed Error Image (and Error State)
  • Sim Connection, State Handling Variable Handling completely overhauled
  • Moved to .NET 8 (LTS) and upped minimum OS to Window 10
Edited by Daniel Saffran
  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...
Daniel Saffran


Plugin updated to Version 0.8.6

A Backup of your Profiles is recommended!
This Update fixes the Font-Scaling Issues experienced by some Users after the 0.8.0 Release (especially when using a shared Profile from someone else). Due to the Nature of the Bug and to provide a clean Solution going forward, the Plugin will adjust the Font-Sizes to keep the same visual Size on the StreamDeck (once, when an Action appears for the first Time).
Or put differently: the Plugin tries it best so that your Actions look the same as before. Due to rounding there is Margin of Error of 0.5 - so that is the worst the Text will be "off" in (visual) Size.  The Recommendation to make a Backup is mainly to keep the Ability to go back to the previous Version, but the Update is intended as a simple "drop-in" as usual.

But there is a Caveat: The Conversion of an Action has to be done under the Windows Font-Scaling / DPI Setting it was created to lead to the correct / intended visual Result:

  • If you're a Profile Author, you need to update/convert your Profiles on your PC and then distribute the Profiles as an Update to your Users (just navigate through all Pages/Folder of a Profile, export, distribute).
  • If you're a Profile User, you need to ask the Author to provide an updated Profile. The Profiles I share will be updated shortly.



  • Fixed using wrong .NET Runtime on new Installs / Updates
  • Set FSUIPC 7.5.1 as Target Version
  • Set StreamDeck SW 6.8.1 as Recommended Version



  • Fixed Font-Scaling affected by Windows' Text Scaling/DPI Setting
    • Render DPI is now fixed at 96 DPI (the pre-0.8.0 Default)
    • Font-Sizes will be automatically converted to keep the same visual Size
    • The Conversion uses the current Windows DPI, so it is only correct on the PC where an Action was designed
    • The Conversion is only applied once when an Action becomes visible for the first Time on the new Plugin Version
  • Improved Session-Ready-Detection for 2024
    • Slightly, as the SDK allows - Asobo has no Interest in improving a Situation that exists since 202
  • Added MSFS 2024 SDK Links to the Developer UI / QRH View
  • Added Button in the Developer UI to open the Profile Manager from there
  • Manifest Version corrected
  • Updated SDK / Libraries


Profile Manager

  • Fixed Links not working for Profiles with Spaces in the Filename (Package Installation)
  • 1 month later...
Daniel Saffran
6 hours ago, Laurent Valrhonet said:

Hello @Daniel Saffran,

Do you already have a profile for the 321 on FS2020?


No and the Probability of that is near zero - I don't own it and won't buy it just to make a Profile.

BUT: I wouldn't mind at all when someone took my Profiles and updates them for the MSFS2020 Version!
The only "critical" Part of them is the Usage of Guensili's Icon Pack. But I think when I ask him for Permission under the Promise that 2020 Profile is also exclusively shared in the Filebase here, I don't think that he would say no :)

Norman Blackburn
19 minutes ago, Daniel Saffran said:

I don't own it and won't buy it just to make a Profile.

So turning that around Daniel, if you were given the A321CEO how would that affect your decision?

Daniel Saffran
17 hours ago, Norman Blackburn said:

So turning that around Daniel, if you were given the A321CEO how would that affect your decision?

Uhhmmm ... that would certainly add a FSLabs MSFS2020 Profile to my Todo-List! :D

But be aware, I'm so busy with Stuff that I even haven't flown anything in Months. I could squeeze in a Profile when the current Plugin Refactor/Changes are in public Testing (and Laminar just recently added another Change^^) - with the Profile being based on Data available through the Sim. If something like the Pilotsdeck_FSL Toolset would still be required in 2020 for Stuff like Korry-Indicators and FCU Displays, that would be only much further down the Line.

  • 1 month later...

Could you assist I’m not sure what I’m doing I downloaded the file for the fs labs put it into the profile manager then it came up with the stream deck profiles when I click into the fs labs xl profile nothing works I have fsuipc full version is there anything else I need or what’s the case 



Daniel Saffran
10 hours ago, Sam Coulter said:

is there anything else I need or what’s the case 

What about Step 4?


Sam Coulter
2 minutes ago, Daniel Saffran said:

What about Step 4?


Do you think you could help me I’m new to stream decks and not really sure what I’m doing anychance of a 1-1 so I can get it right ?

Daniel Saffran
1 minute ago, Sam Coulter said:

Do you think you could help me I’m new to stream decks and not really sure what I’m doing anychance of a 1-1 so I can get it right ?

A Folder on the Desktop and a PDF Document is not specific to StreamDecks.
I'm happy to answer specific Questions on the documented Instructions here.

Sam Coulter
1 minute ago, Daniel Saffran said:

A Folder on the Desktop and a PDF Document is not specific to StreamDecks.
I'm happy to answer specific Questions on the documented Instructions here.

I don’t see any folders all I downloaded was the profile on the form and i just dragged the download file to the profile manager and that was it am I missing a step or what have I done wrong 

Sam Coulter
6 minutes ago, Sam Coulter said:

I don’t see any folders all I downloaded was the profile on the form and i just dragged the download file to the profile manager and that was it am I missing a step or what have I done wrong 

Wait hold on found a folder 

Daniel Saffran
2 minutes ago, Sam Coulter said:

I don’t see any folders all I downloaded was the profile on the form and i just dragged the download file to the profile manager and that was it am I missing a step or what have I done wrong 

Not wrong (yet), you just let out essential Steps instructed by the Download Page AND the Notes on the Profile Manager.

So if you are *absolutely sure* that there was no Folder created on your *Desktop* after you used the Profile Manager: Open the downloaded File (it just a Zip Archive) and extract the "Extras" Folder. There you find the Readme and additional Stuff you need.

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