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Spotlights works in A320 but not A319 ??

Tony Padovano

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Tony Padovano

Anyone ?  I checked every other aircraft is fine including FSLabs A320 - when I get into the A319 from FSLabs - its totally dark.  Should I try another ini file ?

Please help


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Tony Padovano

So here are a few shots.  The first is from my A320 when I get into the cockpit - as you can see - everything looks great.

The second is the A319 when I get in - complete darkness.  Then I try launching FS Manager and click reload - and some lights do appear and I show the following in my manager.  Does that look correct ?  Why are some entries bolded in red ?

Thanks for any help





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Tony Padovano

Well I just found an old thread which said to disable UTL and see if the lights work and low and behold they do.  Is there some sort of compatibility issue with Ultimate Traffic Live and SpotLights and is there any fix other than disabling UTL ?



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