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Flood lights killing fps

James Goggi

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James Goggi

Hi, when I turn on the flood lights that illuminate the main panel (by turning the knob on the pedestal), I get a drastic reduction in fps (P3D v4). Is FSLabs doing anything in order to improve the lights performance?

Thank you.

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Lefteris Kalamaras


if by "doing anything" you mean "repeat to users that it's an LM issue as Spotlights uses Prepar3D dynamic lighting spotlight effects directly", yes, we're doing exactly that :D.

Please tell LM that they need to improve on their dynamic lighting performance. At the moment, however, I feel that they are expecting this to improve as users buy newer, more powerful graphics cards and hardware performance catches up with software demand.

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James Goggi

Hi, Lefteris. Well, I hope LM do not rely so much on the more powerful graphics cards, since they now cost an arm and a leg... 1000 $ or more fr a GTX 1080 ti is really crazy... I really hope they are actively improving the DL. Anyway, for the moment, the only thing I can do is keeping those flood lights off....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Same issue here. It was fine a couple weeks ago, but now flying at night inside the cockpit is impossible. 15-16fps at most, yet I get 60fps outside. So weird. 

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Philipp Schwaegerl

I turned DL completely off in the settings for now. Spotlights are working without DL like a charm... This is one thing LM has to improve.

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1 hour ago, Philipp Schwaegerl said:

I turned DL completely off in the settings for now. Spotlights are working without DL like a charm... This is one thing LM has to improve.

Yeah same for me, if DL is off then FPS is fine and Spotlights still works, but then no landing lights, etc. Which is sorta necessary at night xD

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Philipp Schwaegerl

hmm the outside lights are working for me. At least visible on the aircraft. I haven't tested at night tho.

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Lefteris Kalamaras

Hi all,

when you disable Dynamic Lighting, the result is that any terrain that would otherwise be lit doesn't get any lights through the shader. Any aircraft or scenery objects though, should still receive FSLSpotlights on them. As a result, VC lights and lights that shine on surfaces such as wings etc should still be showing.

The real performance loss comes from the P3D shader calculations on world terrain surfaces (such as when landing lights shine on the runway, for example).

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