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I got the jetBlues

Felipe Widmano

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Felipe Widmano

Did another flight with the bus. Somehow, flying on an Airbus is just not as exciting as say the 737 or the Dash...I never get that feeling of: "Yeah. That was a nice sim ride, I'm glad I looked at a pixel world getting smaller and then bigger again for the last 2 hours" in the FSL (or any other Airbus, for that matter. Since not even the 150 buck investment here could make that happen, I'm thinking it might be best to leave those planes alone for good ^_^)








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Felipe Widmano


Yeah, everyone has their favourites :)


Maybe it's got to do with my not-so-great computer, but i just don't get that "living thing inside the sim" thing. As such, no advantage to me - I'd rather keep to my trusty 7-sturdy-7 that behaves like planes have always behaved. Pitch and power is the way to go for me 

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