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Fslab light v23 and above problem

Tamer Khayyat

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Tamer Khayyat

Dear fs lab , i have just installed the newest version of fslsb a320. But noticed that i can not have fsx to run with version 23 and more. Only version 22 fsx se start without crash.

Fs se editon crashes after double click on  the application(win10). Thank you.

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Tamer Khayyat
8 hours ago, Bob L said:

What error(s) are listed in eventviewer?    Are running any reshades, SweetFX, etc...?

Good morning Bob, thanks for fast reply, i have a clean installation of FSX SE  with active sky 2016 , active sky cloud art and REX HD airport along with latest version of FS lab a320. Previous two versions were working fine along fs spot light versions the were released at same time duration. I do not have reshades, sweetFx, dx10 fixer. I run fsx with dx9 with all recommended settings and methods of installation. Only spot light version 22 works. 23 to 30 i have the ( fsx se unable to start ) unkonwn error. When i try to start fsx from the installion folder in steam folders ( as admin) i got the error that mfc80 and mpvc80 are not exist. When uninstall spot light and restart pc fsx starts normally. I have tried to disable windows defender and malwarbytes but same result. Note here that v22 worked normally with the previous two programs without issues.i have win10 64 bit home edition with all microsoft redistributables installed from 2005 to 2015. I will attach event viewer in the following reply because now i am away from pc. Thanks


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