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Airbus A319-111 CFM Alitalia EI-IMV 1.0.1

   (1 review)

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About This File


*** FOR FSL A319 v5.0.100+ ONLY ***

IMPORTANT: This livery requires the following download to be installed to appear as intended https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/files/file/2634-common-files-for-fsl-a319-v501100-custom-4k-pbr-paint-kit-120/. Please ensure that you have installed this required package before attempting to install this livery.

Airbus A319-111 CFM Alitalia EI-IMV created using a custom 4K PBR paint kit developed by @Hugo Bicho @Daniel Du Preez and @John Tavendale.

Features a complete overhaul of the default FSL A319 paint kit including:

  • Custom 4K textures with accurate seam panelling, fuselage section joins and rivets
  • Custom 4K metallic maps (PBR) with baked ambient occlusion (AO) effects
  • Custom 4K normal maps for fuselage, engines, wings and tail
  • Reworked landing gear including tyres and struts with custom PBR effects
  • Enhancements to aircraft overlay textures, including PBR effects
  • Custom dirt effects

Installation instructions:

  1. Install the contents of the Common Files download located at https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/files/file/2634-common-files-for-fsl-a319-v501100-custom-4k-pbr-paint-kit-120/ using the provided instructions
  2. Drag the Texture.AZA EI-IMV and Airframe Configs (if present) folders contained in this download to your {Prepar3D v5 Add-ons}\FlightSimLabs\FSLabs\SimObjects\Airplanes\FSLabs A319 CFM folder
  3. Installation is complete!  Start P3D and search for EI-IMV to load the aircraft

Copyright and legal:

This work is protected by international intellectual property and copyright laws.  Any unauthorised use, dissemination and/or distribution of the content of this download is prohibited without the prior written consent of the author.  A lot of time and effort was spent creating this repaint.  Please respect our work.

Daniel Du Preez (professormadman@gmail.com) - https://goo.gl/Ji9kH5


Creating these liveries takes a lot of time and effort.  If you like my work, why not show your appreciation with a small PayPal donation?  Any donations are highly appreciated but never required.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


  • Please redownload and update your A319 Common Files from the following URL (clear existing folder first to remove any unneeded files): 
  • Compatibility update with FSL A319 version
  • Minor corrections to colour palette
  • Fixed PBR texture issue on Alitalia wing overlays
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John Tavendale

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