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  3. Ray Proudfoot

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    The rumours are news will come the day after Hell freezes over!
  4. Robert Sutherland

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    The usual rule applies with FSLabs. When there is news they feel is significant enough to share, they will share it.
  5. Last week
  6. Rodrigo Andres Jipoulou Saez

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    Any news on the neo variant?
  7. Rado Sutto

    Random Screenshot Thread

    Dubai short finale : Again in Club 6-0-0 over Malaca strait : Destination Singapore : Dubai - Singapore in 3:31 hours :
  8. Ulf Hay

    WinWing FCU

    Sooo, when can we expect FsLabs in MSFS 2024? I getting used too used to Fenix with WinWings and MCDU.
  9. Duncan MacKellar

    WinWing FCU

    I suggest you explore Mobiflight and Spad.next as I believe they can achieve partial compatibility.
  10. Mark Visch

    WinWing FCU

    So you expect a company to develop compatibility for a product of theirs which was developed basically 3 simulators ago (p3dV6,msfs2020) and current msfs 2024? thats the equivalent of asking microsoft and nvidia to release new drivers for your rtx5080 because you like windows 95 so much. I’m looking for common sense in your question but struggle to find it. the p3d line was developed in a different timeframe with limitations and expectations from a different era. my suggestion would be that if you want the goodies, grow with where the market is and leave legacy where it belongs, in the past.
  11. Pablo Prada

    WinWing FCU

    And do you expect to provide some solution to this? Personally, I'm waiting for a solution to this so I can buy MCDU and FCU.
  12. Duncan MacKellar

    WinWing FCU

    Because the interface that WinWing uses, does not exist in our P3D products.
  13. Pablo Prada

    WinWing FCU

    And why doesn’t work with P3D line? Can’t understand…it’s crazy
  14. Duncan MacKellar

    WinWing FCU

    Natively WinWing will not work with our P3D product line, it may work via Mobiflight or similar. WinWing hardware has native integration with our MSFS Product line
  15. Peter Fabian

    msfs concorde

    No-one from FSL was on the FS Weekend, not in any official capacity at the very least (sure someone might have been as a private visitor). "malware" is for better or worse a part of the history of FSL and they have to deal with that. "they don't communicate" is a common criticism, whether valid, eh, matter of opinion. They are certainly on the more silent side of devs, which is not always a bad thing.
  16. fernando fonseca

    WinWing FCU

    I am using P3D and using the flight sim labs A320 add on , just purchased the WinWing FCU but it does not work at all. Do you guys have any idea what I could do to make it work? Are they compatible?
  17. Stephen Whiterod

    msfs concorde

    I think it's more a worry that some of us might not be alive to see it though.
  18. alex kelly

    I don't get any shipments

    Hello FSLAB, I have a problem. At first, I received the pre-stowage, and after boarding the passengers and cargo, I received the final stowage. Now, I haven't received anything. How can I resolve this? Thank you.
  19. alex kelly

    Engine failure practice

    Hello FSLAB team, I'm pleased to share that I've been doing engine failure practice with the aircraft, and it's actually performing like the real thing. The secondary plan allows for the creation of the EOSID, and the aircraft follows all the ECAM steps and processes. They're really cool. So, I want to thank you for the excellent job you did bringing a real aircraft to a flight simulator. Congratulations, everyone! The price is worth it, though.
  20. Michele Benedetti

    msfs concorde

    As long as Concorde is guaranteed to come to MSFS I’m super happy
  21. Earlier
  22. Adrian Forsbom

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    True but. if I'm not 100% mistaken. They are working on them both at the same time. I think it's for teams. and I guess they will focus on only one when the relise is approaching
  23. Peter Fabian

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    It's easiest to assume A330 is not happening, Concorde is probably happening, but not any time soon, and rest of A320 family is most likely happening, but not until 1-2 neos are out (commercially, I think it's important for FSL to capture the neo market while they still can) Then you can only be pleasantly surprised.
  24. Adrian Forsbom

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    I think FSL is the only producer that will make me move over to MSFS2024 hands down to FSL and the quality
  25. Issac New

    Blue Sky Star (BSS) sounds for FSL A321

    I purchased the BBS FSL321 sound pack, which includes both CFM and IAE engine models. Overall, there's been a degree of change, but the fundamental sound logic is still based on the FSL core, so some sounds still have abrupt transitions, similar to the bugs reported in the forum's sound issue threads. Additionally, even after adjusting the volume as instructed, I find the wind noise during cruise to be harsh and unacceptable. Furthermore, the BBS FSL321 CFM sound pack at certain thrust levels sounds very similar to the 737 CFM sound, though I might be mistaken. Lastly, the frequency and magnitude of the vibration sounds during ground taxiing remain unchanged and are slightly rigid. I hope this helps.
  26. Nakos Balamotis

    Blue Sky Star (BSS) sounds for FSL A321

    What is your opinion on this add on for MSFS FSLabs A321? Any costumer here? I am considering acquiring it but can't find enough feedback on the overall quality of this product.
  27. Nakos Balamotis

    A small note to say thanks...

    After finishing my 20th flight with FSLabs A321 today, I just wanted to say a big thnx for this top notch product of yours. This is the best Airbus in MSFS right now and I am looking forward for future updates.
  28. Benjamin Williams

    [Resolved] vr compatibility

    Yes it is compatible in Vr as I currently fly it in VR
  29. Carl Beeby

    Any updates on the NEO variant for MSFS?

    Quality takes time of course - I've just bought MSFS2024 just to gain a bit of familiarity with the interface. The next and only aircraft installation will be the FSLabs products.
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