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Club for Aegean Airlines Funs.
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  2. IraklisFotino

    Dowload liveries

    Okay Tom. Thanks for the help. Good night.
  3. Tom van der Elst

    Dowload liveries

    I can't, you'll need to email support to have the A320=X and the A319-X added to your profile, then you can download to your hearts content. cheers Tom.
  4. IraklisFotino

    Dowload liveries

    Good evening Tom. If you could help me in any way because I am new to the forum I would appreciate it ...
  5. Tom van der Elst

    Dowload liveries

    Because you do not own the A319-X, or rather, it is not coupled to your forum account. I would email support to have them add the A320-X and the A319-X to your account. cheers Tom.
  6. Good evening to the team. Does anyone know why I can not download livery from the page?

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