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FSX will not start with spotlights installed

Rodney Lewis

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Rodney Lewis

FSX will not start with spotlights installed, no splash screen, nothing, try and open fsx again message say's fsx is already running but but there's nothing to see, uninstall spotlights fsx starts, installed with antivirus turned off, folder excluded from antivirus still nothing, reinstalled four times , activated, any idea's?



Rod -

Have you reviewed the Spotlights FAQ?

Also, what are you system specs? OS version and which version of FSX?  Also, you installed Spotlights with admin rights and your NOT running FSX in compatibility mode?

Rodney Lewis

Yes Bob I have, the sim doesn't crash because it won't even start, win10 64bit Home Edition, i7 5700HQ, GTX970M, 32gig ram, FSX acceleration, Spotlights installed with admin rights, FS running in compatibility mode. I'm using the latest version of spotlights V1.0.0.23, I activated it with a serial number that I received when I purchased spotlights back in august 2015 if that makes a difference or not.




Rod - you stated this " FS running in compatibility mode " .   You CANNOT run FSX in compatibility mode.

Rodney Lewis

Whoops sorry Bob my mistake its NOT running in compatibility mode, as administrator.



You don't have reshade, sweetfx, any other shader mod installed?

Rodney Lewis

Yes I do Bob, it took all my time to get the A320 to play with reshade now with spotlghts installed to take full advantage of the A320 cockpit lighting spotlights wont play with reshade or is there a version of reshade that works with both? I'm useing a d3d9 dll that the A320 is ok with, tried renaming it to dxgi.dll and spotlights seem to be ok but not the A320, is there a reshade version that works with both? This is my problem.


Rodney Lewis

If I delete the shaders fsx will start as normal but only once while rebuilding the shaders file, it will not start a second time with spotlights, A320 and reshade, does this mean anything?



You should delete shaders folder after installing FSL Spotlights, it's listed in the documentation.   see this post about Reshade -



So am I to understand that you are working on an update for Spotlights to be compatiable with Reshade V2.0 and V3.0? tried both Reshade versions and CTD everytime ONLY with Spotloghts installed.


On 10/14/2016 at 6:35 AM, doublebubble said:

So am I to understand that you are working on an update for Spotlights to be compatiable with Reshade V2.0 and V3.0? tried both Reshade versions and CTD everytime ONLY with Spotloghts installed.


Yes, we're working on it.  Currently Lefteris is away on business and he'll need to look into this further when's he back.   For the time being I recommend you do not use Reshade.


Thankyou for the clarification Bob, as this is not the only aircraft in the hanger downgrading the visual's for the whole sim is not an option as nothing else has the problem, so I guess the A320 is a day time only plane at the moment, but thats ok.

Cheers Rod.



  • 5 weeks later...

BINGO!!!, A320, Spotlights V1.0.0.24 and Reshade version 3.0.5 are all happy and working together, phew.


Gerald Gervinet

... not for me: FSX SE DX10 Windows 10

Work with build 22 not 24

Lefteris Kalamaras

Version 24 does improve on using ReShade but it HAS to be the latest version of ReShade - 3.0.5.

What DX dll does Reshade install in your FSX root folder? Can you please show the version (found if you right-click on it, then select Properties->Details).


G'day Lefteris, I've tried both versions of Reshade, V3.0.3.150 and V3.0.5.160 and both versions work with spotlights, the dxgi.dll that it installs in the FSX root folder is file version and V3.0.5.160 respectively, don't know if that helps in any way.

Regards Rod.


Leffteris I just thought I'd let you know I now have fsx with the A320X, spotlights version 24 with Reshade version installed working without any problems, I've tried multiple versions of reshade now with Spotlights V24 and they (at the moment) all seem to be working fine, the dxgi.dll with this Reshade version is File Version, Product Version 1.0.0 dated 10/08/15, so things at the moment all seem fine, hope it helps in some way.

Regards Rod.

Lefteris Kalamaras

Thank you Rod for reporting this. I am curious as to what might be crashing it for the others.

Gerald Gervinet

FSX SE DX10: v10.0.62615.0

Dxgi.dll: v3.0.5.160

W10 64b v1607

Spotlight build 22: Ok         24:Fsx won't start



CVSM, as you may have noticed (by the post's) I've been trying to get the spotlights and the A320 with Reshade working ever since the A320 was released with no joy, I'm running the same win10 version, Spotlights V24 and Reshade 3.0.5 and are now enjoying the whole experience, try, install spotlights, register them at LGVA with default 737, delete shaders, reboot, start fsx and let the shaders rebuild, close fsx, install Reshade 3.0.5, and see how you go, no promise's but worked for me, make sure there are NO left behind Reshade remnet's from your previous Reshade installs in the fsx root folder, good luck.:)


  • 2 years later...
Philippe BLEUS

Hi everyone. I am 67. Been using FS from the early days on, version after version (French versions). So, FSX for years now. Only with payware aircraft (PMDG 's had my preference) and freeware sceneries (everything works well with my Win 7 64 Bit, FSX boxed, fairly old Intel I7 2600K oc'd at 3.8 or 4.4 ghz, GEFORCE GTX 1060 6 (six) Gig, blocked at 30 FPS and using several tweaks found on this huge so many pages long study of FSX on the web. Your A320 is a WONDER and works very well, although I was more a Boeing guy (who's gonna redo a state of the art wonder like the LevelD 767 ?). PMDG beaten ! But if I install Spotlight, as others said, FSX WON'T start.

I did NOT upgrade my Nvidia drivers. But as said before, even if there is no fault from FSLabs, it's no fun to fly at night with NO LIGHT other than on the nav screens (that should have been mentioned !). I unsinstalled Spotlight and FSX restarted immediately. Solution please !!! Did I miss the docs ? What to do with all those DLL's ???) I have absolutely no knowledge of shaders whatsoever, in other words I don't know the technique behind or within the sim. I just need an install method for a 6 years old guy.

Thanks in advance !


peter kelberg
5 hours ago, Philippe BLEUS said:

Hi everyone. I am 67. Been using FS from the early days on, version after version (French versions). So, FSX for years now. Only with payware aircraft (PMDG 's had my preference) and freeware sceneries (everything works well with my Win 7 64 Bit, FSX boxed, fairly old Intel I7 2600K oc'd at 3.8 or 4.4 ghz, GEFORCE GTX 1060 6 (six) Gig, blocked at 30 FPS and using several tweaks found on this huge so many pages long study of FSX on the web. Your A320 is a WONDER and works very well, although I was more a Boeing guy (who's gonna redo a state of the art wonder like the LevelD 767 ?). PMDG beaten ! But if I install Spotlight, as others said, FSX WON'T start.

I did NOT upgrade my Nvidia drivers. But as said before, even if there is no fault from FSLabs, it's no fun to fly at night with NO LIGHT other than on the nav screens (that should have been mentioned !). I unsinstalled Spotlight and FSX restarted immediately. Solution please !!! Did I miss the docs ? What to do with all those DLL's ???) I have absolutely no knowledge of shaders whatsoever, in other words I don't know the technique behind or within the sim. I just need an install method for a 6 years old guy.

Thanks in advance !


you will  find  that  using  fsx  well it  did  for  me  spotlights   had  stopped  working   which prevented  fsx  to  run,  solution  was  to  go  to  the  services  options  and  simple  scroll  down  to  u  see  spotlight and    click  start.   Havnt  had  this  issues  since  switching  to  p3dv4   

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