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Slideshow | One year in screenshots

Stu Antonio

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Stu Antonio

Stuck in the current Covid19-lockdown I passed some time and played around with a little slideshow of my favorite screenshots I took over the last year. :)
It turned out somewhat "motivational" :) but it was fun making it. Have a look, hope you like it.... and stay safe and healthy everyone! 



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Rafal Haczek

Great work, Stu! And some really awesome screenshots there.
Take care of yourself, mate!

  • Thanks 1
K. Serhan Onur

Really, there are a lot of cool images at this work. So enjoyable to watching. Take care of yourself and your family and healthy everyone.


Serhan Onur

  • Thanks 1

You really knocked it out of the park. Thanks for sharing 

  • Thanks 1
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