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Ezdok v3

Edward Stefanovich

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Edward Stefanovich


I am wondering if anybody has issues with FSL Spotlights after upgrading Ezdok to v3? After installing Ezdok v3 FSL Spotlights no longer works. 


Edward Stefanovich

Some updates here. My second guess if foggy weather could FSL Spotlight to malfunction. It was thick fog in Paris last night. It may sound strange but lights came back to normal after takeoff. As soon as climbed thru the fog all lights started working normally. TAF is calling for again tonight, I will try to check it again. 

Edward Stefanovich
I think weather has nothing to do with it. I have a feeling this is LFPG airport itself concourse Z. Specifically gates Z2 thru 5. I have no problem with lights at other gates in LFPG and other airport.  looks to me Ezdok v3 is not to blame. 
Lefteris Kalamaras

P3D v4.4 has a known issue whereby if too many dynamic lights are present in the area, the sim will randomly disable a few of them until the cutoff point is reached. This is supposed to happen first on lights furthest from the eyepoint, but that's not the case currently.

This is likely what you're seeing in this scenario.

Edward Stefanovich

Thank for the reply.  When I turn, for example, dome light in FSL Spotlight menu, nothing happens. VC is dark. Wen I change camera angle slightly (like panning) then dome lights turn on. If I keep moving camera FLS Spotlights turn off again. It is like spotty. However when I took off and broke clouds all FSL Spotlight lights started working again. I spoke to the Ezdok developer and he updated LFPG airport same way I did (adding scenery and texture files form AVSIM library) and he noticed the same issues. Looks like it is airport issues. 

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