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spotlight not working

Damien Bouilliez

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Damien Bouilliez

spotlight not working for me...

try reinstall with admin mode and anti-virus off but not working

here my defender exclusions.


something weird: C:\ProgramData\FlightSimLabs\LAAS is empry...



brendon powys

Im having the same problem no floodlights in the vc

Damien Bouilliez

and this guy also same problem...

We need help


Gerald Krutsch
On 25.3.2018 at 9:21 PM, Damien Bouilliez said:

something weird: C:\ProgramData\FlightSimLabs\LAAS is empry...

What is weirder is (as I replied also in the other thread), that I don't even have that LAAS Folder on my install and spotlights does work well on my rig.

Again to be clear: Before updating to P3Dv4.2 I reinstalled my OS and did a clean FULL v4.2 installation. Spotligts v did not create ANY LAAS folder on my system!

Since you guys do have that folder, I might suspect you have some leftowers from prior installs or something else in your REG that kills Spotlights.

So the Q is how did you guys update to 4.2? Did you do all the housekeeping stuff (uninstall previous products, delete leftower folders, etc) before updating?

And another Q: is there no one willing to refresh W10 and try v4.2 + FSL A32x + Spotlights from scratch?

PS: I'm not a developer but do want to help you guys to resolve your issues. Since it runs fine on some PC's (including mine), means, we have different setups.

PS2: A good thing would be if you add your specs and addons in your signature. Might give us a clue if your RIG is bottlenecked or addons interfere with Spotlights

Damien Bouilliez

Found the solution! Need to use scrit "delate generated files" on the main p3d folder

Gerald Krutsch
24 minutes ago, Damien Bouilliez said:

Found the solution! Need to use scrit "delate generated files" on the main p3d folder

Told you that updating per component could be troublesome ;) ...

Glad you have fixed it!

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