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Airbus A319-112 CFM Finnair OH-LVK 1.0.1

   (2 reviews)

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About This File


*** FOR FSL A319 v5.0.100+ ONLY ***

IMPORTANT: This livery requires the following download to be installed to appear as intended https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/files/file/2634-common-files-for-fsl-a319-v501100-custom-4k-pbr-paint-kit-120/. Please ensure that you have installed this required package before attempting to install this livery.

Airbus A319-112 CFM Finnair OH-LVK created using a custom 4K PBR paint kit developed by @Hugo Bicho @Daniel Du Preez and @John Tavendale.

Many thanks to @Antti Salo for help on Finnair specific configuration.

Features a complete overhaul of the default FSL A319 paint kit including:

  • Custom 4K textures with accurate seam panelling, fuselage section joins and rivets
  • Custom 4K metallic maps (PBR) with baked ambient occlusion (AO) effects
  • Custom 4K normal maps for fuselage, engines, wings and tail
  • Reworked landing gear including tyres and struts with custom PBR effects
  • Enhancements to aircraft overlay textures, including PBR effects
  • Custom dirt effects

Installation instructions:

  1. Install the contents of the Common Files download located at https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/files/file/2634-common-files-for-fsl-a319-v501100-custom-4k-pbr-paint-kit-120/ using the provided instructions
  2. Drag the Texture.FIN OH-LVK and Airframe Configs (if present) folders contained in this download to your {Prepar3D v5 Add-ons}\FlightSimLabs\FSLabs\SimObjects\Airplanes\FSLabs A319 CFM folder
  3. Installation is complete!  Start P3D and search for OH-LVK to load the aircraft

Copyright and legal:

This work is protected by international intellectual property and copyright laws.  Any unauthorised use, dissemination and/or distribution of the content of this download is prohibited without the prior written consent of the author.  A lot of time and effort was spent creating this repaint.  Please respect our work.

Daniel Du Preez (professormadman@gmail.com) - https://goo.gl/Ji9kH5


Creating these liveries takes a lot of time and effort.  If you like my work, why not show your appreciation with a small PayPal donation?  Any donations are highly appreciated but never required.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


  • Please redownload and update your A319 Common Files from the following URL (clear existing folder first to remove any unneeded files): 
  • Compatibility update with FSL A319 version
  • Updated PBR to match A321SL Finnair paint
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User Feedback

Rafal Haczek

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Wow, what an absolute masterpiece it is!
One of my favourite airlines, liveries and repainters. It just couldn't come out any different.
The paintkit is awesome and the paint art is first class. The colouring, the details, the reflection...
Thank you, Daniel, and I am literally looking forward to next ones from you.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members


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