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British Airways A319 G-DBCC 1.1.1

   (1 review)

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About This File

ONLY FOR A319 v5.0.1.100+

British Airways A319-131 G-DBCC

Installation instructions:

  • Simply drag both the 'Texture.BAW G-DBCC' AND 'Airframe Configs' folders into your FSLabs A319 IAE simobjects folder (usually found at 'Documents\Prepar3D v4/5 Add-ons\FSLabs\SimObjects\Airplanes\FSLabs A319 IAE').

Features a complete overhaul of the default FSL A319 paint kit including:

  • Custom 4K textures with accurate seam panelling, fuselage section joins and rivets.
  • Custom 4K metallic maps (PBR) with baked ambient occlusion (AO) effects.
  • Custom 4K normal maps for fuselage, engines, wings and tail.
  • Reworked landing gear including tyres and struts with custom PBR effects.
  • Enhancements to aircraft overlay textures, including PBR effects.
  • Custom dirt effects.

Special thanks to @Hugo Bicho @Daniel Du Preez and @John Tavendale for the custom 4K A319 Paint kit.

Creating these paints takes a lot of time so a donation is greatly appreciated! - https://www.paypal.me/outwithnade


What's New in Version 1.1.1   See changelog


• Reworked tail
• Minor corrections

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User Feedback

Matei Cojocaru

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

How come I haven't left a rating on this yet?? Anyways, 5 stars from me :)

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