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China Southern B-1800 A320 CFM 1.1.0

   (1 review)

5 Screenshots

About This File



China Southern ( 中国南方航空CSN/CZ), a Sky Team member, is the largest major carrier in China in terms of fleet size. Its A320 fleet is commonly used on domestic and regional routes. This air frame was delivered to CZ in 2014, despite the last 4 digits of its registration being small. The repaint features Chinese warning signs and a CZ theme cabin texture made by my friend of another forum, as well as optional dirty wing.

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


Updates made to nose gear door registration and the “禁止牵引/NO TOW" sign, as well as the grey painting on the belly

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User Feedback



China Southern Airlines is one of my favourite airlines.The paint is very beautiful.I like it.

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